Third time around overview: A short history of community in EVO Minecraft MOOC

Learning2gether Episode 360

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On Friday, Feb 3, 2017, at 1500 UTC, Vance Stevens and Jeff Kuhn, two of the co-moderators of EVO Minecraft MOOC, met online at the 8th annual free Connecting Online conference, CO17, to present what was billed there as “EVO Minecraft MOOC: Third time around overview.”

Here is Nellie’s Deutsch’s video of this event,

The blurb in the schedule ran as follows:

EVOMC17 is now in its third iteration of seeking to introduce teachers to “Big G” Gamification by experiencing the concept through interaction with teaching peers in the “little g” game of Minecraft. The presentation explains how the community has sustained itself for three years as a space where experienced players and noobies alike can contribute to each other’s appreciation of Minecraft as a “toy” for enabling learning over a wide range of concepts.

To this I had added

This presentation will focus on the evolution of the EVO Minecraft MOOC community from 2015 through the present, how it has indeed become a community, who it has attracted from other networks, and the interesting move from starting in creative and then morphing to survival (2015 and 20160, to the running of two parallel worlds as we do today (2017), with even a third (last year’s world from 2016) whose existence was just recently inadvertently exposed, with outcomes yet to be known (but we might have even more to report by Friday).

We didn’t mention the Big G vs. little g distinction in our presentation, but if curious, there is more about that here,

In WizIQ, the link in the schedule points here,

Google Slides

Stream and Recording on

I recorded the stream on a second computer while presenting on a first. I had learned previously that a stream of the presenter view of my presentation in WizIQ was not going to make a good experience for the viewing audience. Unfortunately, while presenting, I was unable to properly monitor the presentation computer and did not notice that WizIQ opened a notice and splashed it across Jeff’s and my video windows, where it remained until I finally discovered it and clicked it away. At that time I also remembered I had meant to elongate the chat window, which I did at the same time. In any event I did remember at the end of the presentation to copy the text chat and paste it to a Google Doc. These presentations end abruptly, at which point the opportunity to do this is irrevocably lost, but I did manage to grab the chat from very near the end of this event.

WizIQ chat transcripts

CO17 YouTube Playlist here

Blog posts: for further information, see Vance’s posts here


Earlier this week

Learning2gether 359 Thu Jan 26 1900 UTC David Dodgson aka ELT Sandbox talks / plays EVO Minecraft MOOC

Mon Jan 30 1900 UTC – ICT4ELT EVO 2017 event, Arjana Blazic, Tools for online assessment

Week 4 Live Session

Arjana Blazic

Tools for online assessment

In this webinar Aryana Blazic will present various online testing tools that teachers can use to create their own interactive quizzes, surveys, puzzles and games for testing student knowledge and measuring student progress.  The talk will focus on free user-friendly tools that can be used for testing different language aspects.

More information on session page:

2 thoughts on “Third time around overview: A short history of community in EVO Minecraft MOOC

  1. Pingback: EVO Minecraft MOOC attends VSTE Minecraft Monday | Learning2gether

  2. Pingback: TESOL 2018 Chicago: Preparing Teachers to Engage Learners with EVO Minecraft MOOC | Learning2gether

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