Learning2gether about HELLO THERE with Jennifer Verschoor

Learning2gether Episode 324

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Vance has known and worked online and face-to-face with Jennifer Verschoor for many years. She was one of the most-successful co-moderators of the 2010 Multiliteracies EVO session:

I was inspired to ask her to join me on Learning2gether when I read about her being honored as one of Anthony Salcito’s Global Heros in Education:

Jennifer decided to tell us about a project she has been working on with Ana Maria Menezez


PROJECT: Hello, there!


GOAL: participants will be able to develop communication skills in the English Language.

TARGET AUDIENCE: a group of teenage students (14-16) from Brazil and Argentina.

TECHNOLOGY EXPECTED: students will be using their own devices (cell phones, tablets or computers) to communicate in Edmodo.

STAKEHOLDERS: teachers, parents, directors.

DEADLINE: project will be developed during four weeks.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:18 students from Brazil will be paired up with 18 students from Argentina to communicate during 4 weeks.

Objective:  to learn as much as they can about the other student and the place where he/she lives during this period of time. At the end of the 4 weeks, each student will write a report to the teacher expressing what they have learned.

Platform: students from both countries will join an Edmodo group. Both teachers, from Brazil and Argentina, will be the managers of the group. Students will be divided in small groups in Edmodo (pairs) where they can develop a conversation. Their communication can be via text, audio files, videos, photos using any kind of file they wish to attach to their messages. Teachers will have access to their communication the whole time.

Teachers’ role: to get students in contact, divide them into pairs and manage their conversation. Students’ messages don’t need to be corrected by the teacher beforehand as the objective is not accuracy but the development of a conversation. However, the teacher can prepare activities to be carried out in class with some common mistakes observed (without identifying students).

Final Task: by the end of 4 weeks, each student should publish a report to their teacher, explaining how the communication took place and what he/she learned about the other student. The final report should contain at least 200 words and images/ videos to illustrate it.

The reports will be posted on a common wiki: http://projecthellothere.pbworks.com/  which will then be shared with parents.

How this works at show time

If space is available, up to 10 people can join us in the HoA directly at the live link posted to our various spaces at show time.
Participants can alternatively watch the stream, and also chat with us live in real time



Earlier this week

Sat Mar 19 EVO Minecraft MOOC in a quest for the Ender Dragon



Sat Mar 19 1700 UTC Kathy Beck – Google Global Mapping – on Classroom 2.0

We are in for a real treat with the presentation by Kathy Beck, this week! She has some awesome advice and resources to share with us about Global Google Mapping. This is Kathy’s description for her presentation:

Global Google Mapping – can you say it 3 times fast? You have made a global connection and now you want to share your world with them, and see views of their location as well. However – your field trip budget doesn’t afford your students to travel to and SEE the locations where you have made those global connections. Let me show you some fabulous ways to utilize Google Tools to create “visual visits” as well as sharing about your own location. You will learn how to easily use some Google tools, as well as web tools like Heganoo, Thinglink, Skype, Newseum, World Explorer and apps such as Newsy, Stuck on Earth, Globe for iPad and cross-platform tools such as Flat Stanley and Duolingo. Resources and links provided. http://bit.ly/GlobalGoogleMapping

Kathy Beck, is an Instructional Technology Coordinator in a large school district in North Carolina. She has a BS in Elementary Education and Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh and a MA in Educational Media and Instructional Technology from Appalachian State University. She has taught at the elementary level, in the classroom and computer lab and now serves 7 schools, training educators and working with both teachers and students collaboratively on projects integrating technology. She is passionate about the integration of technology and is a frequent enthusiastic presenter of technology tools and activities at local, state, national and virtual conferences.

More information and session details are at http://live.classroom20.com. If you’re new to the Classroom 2.0 LIVE! show you might want to spend a few minutes viewing the screencast on the homepage to learn how we use Blackboard Collaborate, and navigate the site. Each show begins at 12pm Eastern (GMT-5) and may be accessed in Blackboard Collaborate directly using the following Classroom 2.0 LIVE! link athttp://tinyurl.com/cr20live. All webinars are closed captioned.

On the Classroom 2.0 LIVE! site (http://live.classroom20.com) you’ll find the recordings and Livebinder from our recent ”Participate Learning” session with Brad Spirrison. Click on the Archives and Resources tab.

When tweeting about Classroom 2.0 LIVE, be sure to use #liveclass20. Special thanks to our sponsors: The Learning Revolution and Blackboard Collaborate!

Classroom 2.0 LIVE Team: Peggy George, Lorie Moffat, Tammy Moore, Paula Naugle, Steve Hargadon

Visit Classroom 2.0 at: http://www.classroom20.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network





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