Learning2gether about Gaming and Gamification

Learning2gether Episode 222

Sat Jun 14 1400 to 2200 GMT TESOL CALL-IS and IATEFL LTSIG

Gaming and Gamification: A Win-Win for Language Learning

On June 14, from 2 pm to 10 pm GMT, the TESOL CALL-IS and IATEFL LTSIG presented a joint online conference on gamification. Organizers are Jack Watson and Heike Philp, location: Adobe Connect

Event Description:

A FREE one-day web conference for language educators brought to you by TESOL CALL-IS  & IATEFL LT SIG.

Gaming, gamification, serious games, game-play and language games – all sounds fun! Yet, how effective is this in enhancing language learning? Invited guest speakers are Elisabeth Hanson-Smith, Deborah Healey, Karenne Sylvester, Jeff Kuhn, Dawn Bikowski, Graham Stanley, Paul Driver, Julie Sykes and others. We will enjoy a welcome address and short report by Nicky Hockly about her visiting the TESOL Convention in Portland, USA and Elisabeth Hanson-Smith’s visit to the UK for IATEFL in Harrogate. There is also a special networking event and a closing plenary.

The following information about presenters and recording links was extracted June 15 from

But I hope to be able to include here YouTube video recordings and downloadable mp3 recordings

Welcome Addresses
Moderators: Vance Stevens and Ellen Dougherty

A welcome address with the web conference organizers and a report about the TESOL Convention in Portland, Oregon, USA by Nicky Hockly and about IATEFL in Harrogate, UK by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith.
RECORDING (55min):

LTSIG  Keynote – Karenne Sylvester, UK
Honey Coated Peas vs Chocolate Covered Broccoli, Part 2
Moderators: Maria Tomeho-Palermino and Jack Watson

In today’s talk, we will be going one more step beyond Karenne Sylvester’s 2014 IATEFL talk in order to take a deeper look at the cognitive and psychological benefits afforded through the use of Gamified Language Educational E-tivities in the classroom.  She will also be talking about her adult students’ reactions to the addition of game elements in their language learning experiences, providing solid examples of their thoughts on the game-like e-tivities available via the web and through publisher produced CDroms.
RECORDING (27min):

Karenne’s IATEFL talk is available at http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2014/sessions/2014-04-02/gamified-language-educational-e-tivities-chocolate-covered-broccoli-or-honeycoat

TESOL CALL-IS Keynote, Jeff Kuhn
The World is Not Enough: The Need for Game Design
Moderators: Ellen Dougherty and Shaun Wilden

As games gain traction in the language classroom, the conversation for teachers is shifting toward a fuller understanding of how games work. In this session, we’ll examine how we can utilize game pacing, possibility space, and intentional design – three key design elements of a good game. We’ll examine how these elements work through the context of a second-language writing class that has leveraged them to create a situated learning context via Minecraft.
RECORDING (29min):
http://iatefl.adobeconnect.com/p4zf1evoz43/ and I made this mp3 Download Here

Break with Rick Rosenberg playing Ukelele and a mutiplayer game with Jeff Kuhn and several participants: Browserquest
RECORDING (46min):

TESOL CALL-IS Keynote, Dawn Bikowski
Training Teachers to Think in Games
Moderators: Jack Watson and Rick Rosenberg

As more learners become increasingly excited about the prospect of using games in the language learning classroom, teachers are being called upon to “game-up” their lessons. While for some this challenge allows for increased creativity, for others, a lack of a basic understanding of gaming principles or their application can result in confused and frustrating lessons. In this session, we’ll look at practical examples of how teacher training workshops or courses can incorporate gaming principles, ranging from projects that are small to larger in scope.
RECORDING (32min):

and  I made this mp3 (Download it here)

LTSIG  Keynote, Graham Stanley
Gamification: Magic Bullet or Broken Sword?
Moderators: Rick Rosenberg and Jack Watson

Can gamification be used effectively in language teaching? Or is it just another passing fad? Although at first glance, the ‘adding of game elements to non-game contexts’ using points, badges, and leader-boards, etc. seems to be an attractive proposition for teachers, there is more to gamification than first meets the eye. In this session we’ll look at the meaning of fun and games, examine play and players and explore how different game elements might be used in the classroom and for what purpose.
RECORDING (43min):

Networking Event, Deborah Healey & Heike Philp

Do you know about gaming and gamification in ELT? Join us to share your experience! Everyone is invited to tell us about research or development projects, cool tools or apps, resources and projects. If you can use audio or video, we would welcome this. A short 3-minute presentation is another possibility. This networking event is designed to give the audience a voice.
RECORDING (43min):

LTSIG  Keynote, Paul Driver
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”: Gaming the System with Mary Poppins and Mr T
Moderators: Robert Martinez and Nicky Hockly

The success of gamification in education may be its own downfall. When, in the digital age, this time-honoured marketing practice gained a name, many early adopters in the ELT industry jumped in feet first. Initially, the rhetoric was filled with breathless, gushing enthusiasm for the miraculous powers of digital behaviourism to easily dupe learners into doing things they didn’t want to do (for their own good of course). Now, as educators become increasingly game-literate, many have begun to turn a more critical eye on the seductive promises of easy crowd control and motivation boosts. In this session we’ll delve into why gamification works, but misses the point, and how we can move forward to learn bigger lessons from games.
RECORDING (38min):

TESOL CALL-IS Keynote, Julie Sykes
Out in the World: Place-based, augmented reality games and language learning
Moderators: Larry Udry and Nina Liakos

Place-based experiences enable the creation of multilingual learning opportunities for language students. This presentation highlights exemplary projects, including a place-based murder mystery, an adventure in sustainability, and a mobile game design experience for advanced learners. Together, they represent the multiple dimensions of the design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile AR experiences. In this session, we will explore lessons learned from these projects to the creation of place-based language learning games for participants’ learning contexts.
RECORDING (34min):

Closing Panel Discussion
Moderators: Deborah Healey and Nina Liakos

During this closing panel discussion we will wrap up a full-day’s program and enjoy an informal chat with some of the presenters and the audience.
RECORDING (22min):

Earlier this week

Sun Jun 8 1400 GMT – Shelly Terrell and MM4: Exploring Current Learning Rituals for Better E-Learning

Shelly’s slides are posted at the tutorial archive: http://www.wiziq.com/tutorial/771907-mm4-the-way-we-learn-a 

Mon Jun 9 0001 GMT I have a question – Lower Skillset Learners

Stalwarts Jeff Lebow, Dave Cormier, John Schinker, and Jennifer Maddrell, graciously include Vance Stevens as comic relief

IHAQ #10 on Lower Skillset Learners – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7OqlTBrDck

For more information


Fri Jun 13 at 2000 GMT Shelly Terrell American TESOL webinar – Let’s Go on a Field Trip

Note that times in GMT may vary because the timing is fixed to a local time zone where clocks are moved forward / back periodically

As an example, this is the one for May 16, 2014, 1600 EDT, 2000 GMT


The following screen with its many links live can be found at http://bit.ly/eltlinks which redirects to


The schedule to the right of this image is updated weekly and available at


Sat Jun 14 2000 GMClassroom 2.0 LIVE Jeff Bradbury on Evernote in the Classroom

Location: http://tinyurl.com/cr20live (http://tinyurl.com/cr20live)
Sat Jun 14 9:00am PT/10:00am MT/11:00am CT/12:00pm ET 


Peggy George, Lorie Moffat and Tammy Moore will be hosting another Classroom 2.0 LIVE show. As an extension to the Classroom 2.0 Ning community, Classroom 2.0 “LIVE” shows are opportunities to gather with other educators in real-time events, complete with audio, chat, desktop sharing and closed captioning. A Google calendar of upcoming shows is available at http://live.classroom20.com/calendar.html

Join us on Saturday, June 14th, when our special guest will be Jeff Bradbury who will be sharing lots of practical teaching suggestions for using Evernote in the classroom. From taking simple notes, to organizing a multi-level school district, Evernote is the perfect tool for paperless educators. In only 45 minutes we will dive into the vast world of Evernote and show you some pretty amazing tips and tricks to help you maximize your educational potential.

Jeffrey Bradbury, the creator of TeacherCast.net and TeacherCast University is a speaker, writer, broadcaster, consultant and educational media specialist. In 2012, Jeff was recognized as one of top 50 educators using social media at the first ever Bammy Awards. He was also selected as a Google Certified Teacher. Jeffrey is the Director of Orchestras in the North Brunswick Twp School District where he teaches Music Theory and Music History as well as directs a wonderful high school orchestra. He has presented at ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) as well as other nationally recognized conferences, and was one of the founding organizers of edcampNJ. The TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting Network has served educational and medical conventions across the country by providing on site live broadcasting to thousands of educators each week. He will also be broadcasting live interviews with educational leaders from ISTE 2014 in Atlanta every morning from 9am-12pm EDT. In his free time, Jeff enjoys teaching, broadcasting, playing violin, conducting, and spending time with his wife Jennifer and their 7-month old triplets. 

See Jeff’s work at http://www.TeacherCast.net a site by teachers for teachers to help them use today’s technologies. @TeacherCast @JeffBradbury on Twitter.

More information and details are at http://live.classroom20.com. If you’re new to the Classroom 2.0 LIVE! show you might want to spend a few minutes viewing the screencast on the homepage to learn how we use Blackboard Collaborate, and navigate the site. Each show begins at 12pm Eastern (GMT-5) and may be accessed in Blackboard Collaborate directly using the following Classroom 2.0 LIVE link at http://tinyurl.com/cr20live. All webinars are closed captioned.

On the Classroom 2.0 LIVE! site (http://live.classroom20.com) you’ll find the recordings and Livebinder from our recent”Earning Your Learning: iPads and Accessibility ” session with our special guest Toni Plourde. Click on theArchives and Resources tab.

When tweeting about Classroom 2.0 LIVE, be sure to use #liveclass20. Special thanks to our sponsors Weebly, The Learning Revolution and Blackboard Collaborate!

Classroom 2.0 LIVE Team:
Peggy George, Lorie Moffat, Tammy Moore, Steve Hargadon

3 thoughts on “Learning2gether about Gaming and Gamification

  1. Pingback: Learning2gether with Malu Sciamarelli about Creative Writing and Language Learning | Learning2gether

  2. Pingback: Learning2gether with Dawn Bikowski discussing gaming and language learning | Learning2gether

  3. Pingback: Games & Gamers: Learners Beliefs and Attitudes #3 | ROSE BARD – Teaching Journal

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